Monday, November 24, 2003

So, Rolling Stone ranked "The Top 500 Albums of All Time."
I think I can understand if Weezer's Blue Album(#297) and Blood Sugar Sex Magik by the Chili Peppers (#310) are ranked higher than the White Stripes' Elephant(#390), because those are really good, basically classic, albums. But the Strokes Is this It(#367)? How can that album be ranked higher than Elephant? And Coldplay came in last, barely making the list with Rush of Blood to the Head at #473! I think Coldplay is way better than the Strokes, and it belongs up there with the White Stripes. Oh well. Pinkerton wasn't even on the list. I guess when it's kind of hard to please everyone with these kinds of articles.

Oh, and in case anyone wonders, the #1 ranked album on the list is Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles. Seems a little random, but then, I've never actually heard the album. So I guess I wouldn't know.

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