Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Billy got to meet Naomi Watts and Benicio del Toro tonight. It makes me happy, but at the same time, I'm sad that I didn't get to meet them myself!

I had something else to post...but I forgot what it was. Oh yeah! I FINALLY finished One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (That's why it was up there for so long). It's only about 270 pages, but it took me FOREVER to read, because I didn't always feel like reading it in my free time. It was pretty good. I especially reccommend it to people who haven't seen the movie, since it's pretty much exactly the same. If you read the book, see the movie after, not before.
Since I'm not reading a book right now, I decided to put up one of my "childhood favorites"--Jame's Thurber's The 13 Clocks. It is one of the weirdest little kids stories ever, but in a good way, not a morbid "Roald-Dahl" way. I mean, come on, it's James Thurber! I love his short stories. He's a pretty weird author in general. But the book is really good. I've read it like, 4 times, since it's only 124 pages. So yes. I reccommend it. And I think I spelled reccommend wrong. But I don't care.

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