Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It has recently come to my attention that Justin Chambers, aka Alex from Grey's Anatomy, used to be a model for Calvin Klein.

My roomies Kaylan and Alicia don't agree with me; they think he's funny looking! So I'm posting this to get people on my side--it's not just me that thinks he's smokin' right? :) And yes, I just typed "smokin'."

Monday, October 30, 2006

I recently bought the "Step into my OFfice, Baby" single from Belle and Sebastian.
This is what it looked like when I opened the case:

I don't know if you guys know this song, but the picture/quote fits it perfectly. SO CUTE! I LOVE BELLE AND SEBASTIAN!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Having three midterms three days in a row is better than having them all on one day...but it sucks to take a hard test, and go home and start studying immediately for the next one! Gah.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

It kind of blows my mind that scientists were able to do this.
Rather awkward and amusing events seem to be occuring quite often in my life as of late.

Situation #1: Awkward
Kate and a boy are heading toward the same table in the Quad.
KATE: Are you going to sit there?
HIM: Um, yeah, but we can share.
KATE: (jokingly) Well, it's kind of an unwritten rule that people don't share tables. Ha ha.
HIM: (uncomfortable, not understanding it was a joke) Well...uh...you can sit there if you want.
KATE: (gives up on trying to be witty) Ok.

Situation #2: Awkward, yet Amusing
Kate is biking on campus. Her water bottle falls out of backpack, the lid comes off and sprays all over the ground. She stops her bike, walks over to get the bottle, and in doing so knocks over her bike. Innocent bystander (small Asian girl) compassionately comes over and lifts up bike for Kate.
KATE: Thank you!
(Kate accidentally splashes water on innocent bystander in the process of taking hold of the bike. )

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

This is why I love the internet. Turn your sound up, it's so much more satisfying!

Monday, October 16, 2006

It seems like every time I listen to the Smiths, I fall in love with them again. Sure, all their songs sound the same, but who can resist Morrissey's voice and the poetic/bizarre lyrics? I especially love the songs "That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore," and "Bigmouth Strikes Again."

Oh Morrissey. You speak to me. Even though I don't understand half of what you say.
Did you miss me?

So...pretending like I have a life isn't really working. It's nice to have free time, but sometimes I feel a little like a LOSER. So I need to find a job or something, or at least something I can volunteer for.
Until then there's always homework and Facebook. And BLOGGER of course!

And Corie turning my dog blue on Photoshop. She's so talented! Yes, this is what we do for fun in Davis sometimes.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

I am totally convinced from my experience of working with poor people that they can get themselves out of poverty if we give them the same or similar opportunities we give to others. The poor themselves can create a poverty-free world — all we have to do is to free them from the chains that we have put around them. ~ Muhammad Yunus

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'm getting a little tired of updating this blog. So I think I might take a sabbatical from posting for a bit, just for a short time, while I pretend to have a life. And yes, I've decided it's called a sabbatical. :)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

You know you're avoiding work when you're looking at a website with pictures of bunnies yawning. These pictures actually creep me out quite a bit. What is it that can be so sinister about these little fluffy creatures? Is it just me?
PS-Number 30 is especially frightening.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Download Festival!

Yesterday I (and Chris and Dan and Dylan and his roommates) went to the Download Festival in San Jose. It was a pretty good concert, considering how big the venue was. I mean, we were on the grass way up behind the regular seating,

so it was hard to see the performers, but taking that into account, it was definitely worth the thirty bucks. And I got to see BECK!!

As I told Dylan afterwards, I think Beck may quite possibly be one of the coolest people I've seen, possibly even cooler than JACK WHITE! And that's saying a lot, as I'm sure all my dedicated readers know.

Note, however, that the sentence contains the word "possibly."
Anyway, I digress.
We also saw the Yeah Yeah Yeahs (Karen O. is a great performer; I thought she did a great job even though I don't really dig the music so much).

Muse did a really good set as well. The Shins were alright. They definitely lacked energy, which was the problem at the last two concerts I saw them at. But yeah, some good performances for sure. TV on the Radio was a nice surprise, since I didn't really know their stuff, but I'm definitely thinking about buying their CD now.
And I got to see my seester! I don't think Leah reads this, but it was really nice to meet up with her for a bit and chat during the breaks. AND she gave me a sweatshirt to wear when it got cold.
Ok, I am rambling quite a bit. I should go to bed, since I actually have to get up a decent hour tomorrow. Good night!