Monday, October 02, 2006

Download Festival!

Yesterday I (and Chris and Dan and Dylan and his roommates) went to the Download Festival in San Jose. It was a pretty good concert, considering how big the venue was. I mean, we were on the grass way up behind the regular seating,

so it was hard to see the performers, but taking that into account, it was definitely worth the thirty bucks. And I got to see BECK!!

As I told Dylan afterwards, I think Beck may quite possibly be one of the coolest people I've seen, possibly even cooler than JACK WHITE! And that's saying a lot, as I'm sure all my dedicated readers know.

Note, however, that the sentence contains the word "possibly."
Anyway, I digress.
We also saw the Yeah Yeah Yeahs (Karen O. is a great performer; I thought she did a great job even though I don't really dig the music so much).

Muse did a really good set as well. The Shins were alright. They definitely lacked energy, which was the problem at the last two concerts I saw them at. But yeah, some good performances for sure. TV on the Radio was a nice surprise, since I didn't really know their stuff, but I'm definitely thinking about buying their CD now.
And I got to see my seester! I don't think Leah reads this, but it was really nice to meet up with her for a bit and chat during the breaks. AND she gave me a sweatshirt to wear when it got cold.
Ok, I am rambling quite a bit. I should go to bed, since I actually have to get up a decent hour tomorrow. Good night!

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