Monday, October 20, 2003

I saw Taking Back Sunday in the Quad at Davis today. I'm terribly sorry I don't have a picture to post of them, like Alex does. But they looked pretty much the same, except the lead singer had a shirt that said "A**hole" on it this time. Me and my neighbors Colleen, Jessica, and Catherine went to see them, b/c it was a free show and because I'd actually heard of them! Wow! That's not common at Davis. Anyway, they weren't so hot, in more ways than one. I just don't see the difference between Taking Back Sunday and...oh...the other 6 emo/punk/whatever groups that sound exactly like them! But it was kind of interesting, because after they'd played 3 songs, they had to stop the amplification, b/c there was some speaker on the other side of the quad who needed to talk, so the lead singer sat down with an acoustic guitar on the grass, and the audience sat in a circle all around him, and he just played and sang like that, while the other members of the band kind of stood w/ the rest of the crowd and watched. And it surprised me, because when he sang normally, without screaming or a microphone or anything, he sounded a lot like the lead singer of the Violent Femmes! Kind of whiny, but in a good way. I actually liked them better that way.

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