Sunday, October 05, 2003

"The fundamental step is to consider an abstract 'vector space" - a field, if you like, that is bounded by the objective states of neural activation. Mental states would be vectors within this space. It works like this: a neuron can either be 'on' (that is depolarized, 'firing') or 'off' (polarized, 'not firing'), but its firing rate at any moment can only be estimated statistically - for example, as the number of firing within a brief period of time (40 times a second, for example). Experience - at least the elementary features of it such as speed of motion or pitch of sound - is encoded in this firing rate, and I refer to this code, together with its contribution to experience as the 'conscious correlate of the neuron' (CCN)." --taken from A Quantam Description of Mind, Dr. Andrew Duggins

This is my reading homework for the weekend: explaining consciousness through quantam theories. Am I really expected to understand this? Even after reading it 4 times, like I just did?

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