Tuesday, October 05, 2004

School complaining time:
Yes, I haven't even had a full week's worth of school yet, and I'm complaining.
I have an essay due tonight for my fiction-writing class at six, with the prompt "Why write". It's supposed to be three to four pages. But I can't for the LIFE of me write that much on it! I know that's pathetic, but how much can I really say? So, I emailed the teacher asking if the first essay really needed to be that long, and she said, "The length should inspire you, not limit you. Remember that when you submit your short story the length is going to be at least twice as long as this." So yeah. I need to make it longer, apparently. I hate writer's block!!! I do love whining, however.
PS-another thing I hate: wireless internet in Davis. It works about 20 minutes a day, and the rest of the time there's no signal whatsoever. So I am taking advantage of my internet time today.

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