Saturday, October 09, 2004

Isn't it funny how nail biting is like a metaphor for something?
It's painful. It's bad for you, and you know it. But you can't stop it, even though everyone tells you to. You stop doing it in the summer, and then pick it up again at school (at least, I do.). AARGH!! I need to stop biting my nails!! I have a tin of mints next to me while I'm working on this essay, and I've eaten about 20 in the last hour. Is that unhealthy? My mom always said not to eat mints like candy, because they're not meant to be eaten that way. Does that mean they're like, poisonous if you eat too many? I guess I'll find out.
I don't wanna work on my essay. . . .it's Saturday night! And I'm the only one at my apartment. No, it's ok. I don't need pity. It's good for me to get work done without distractions. Except for this distraction.
oh yeah--I'm going to see Bob Dylan with Corie!! He's playing at Davis! SO exciting!! And we're gonna go see Flogging Molly, too, at Sac State. But the second band's not quite as much of a legend as the first.

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