Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Ok, so now that I have a break between finals (woo hoo! again--the hardest ones are done! Now my last one's on Friday), I must tell you about all of the turmoil that has happened in my very dorm. It's pretty thrilling, ya'll...
So, our building has a name now--It's no longer Infill Building 3-it's Miller. So as you can probably guess, everyone's like, "It's Miller time!" and making lots of jokes about our name. People were drawing beer cans on the floor's white board, and stuff of that nature. Well, apparently some very important people came through to look at the new buildings, and they saw the references to beer. So our awesome RA, Peter, who's usually pretty relaxed, got in trouble for not erasing the stuff. So he asked people not to write beer-related stuff on the board, but then people did anyway, and the important people came and saw it again. So now we have to ASK Peter before we write anything on the board. And I just realized that that probably doesn't sound very horrible to anyone reading this. But it's pretty annoying. Because it's like we're little kids again or something. And I'm not even that mad about it. But a LOT of people are. It's funny. Some anonymous person typed out a whole page about how we have the right to say what we want, and then taped it on the white board. And someone else printed out a sheet that said "Censored" and taped it over a some art on the wall in the lounge. It's good times.
Oh, and they made Kaylan and me take down our Christmas lights that we had wrapped around the bench outside the room. I don't even know why. That's the worst part. It makes me sad. But now I have them around my window.
Ok, sorry if that story was pointless. But I figured you were probably all dying to hear the latest news about 2nd floor at UC Davis!
3 days till I go home!!

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