Saturday, December 17, 2005

Tonight I watched the movie Ghost, which I borrowed from Cindy because it's the last movie of hers that I haven't seen yet. The following rant probably may not be of much interest to you, whether you've seen the movie or not, just to warn you.

The movie Ghost is just an excellent example of the typical American movie themes, and it drives me crazy. The main character, played by Patrick Swayze (who cannot act, he should have just stuck to Dirty Dancing), gets shot by a mugger at the beginning of the film. He stays on Earth basically to save his girlfriend from getting murdered and of course at the same time get revenge (a much too common theme in these Hollywood-types of movies. Come on, who needs revenge? It's pointless). So in the process of protecting his girl, he causes the (somewhat accidental) death of both of the guys planning the murder, and they both go to hell. But once everything's taken care of, Patrick Swayze goes to Heaven. Wait, he just caused the death of two men, and he gets to go to Heaven? It just makes no sense! The only part I liked was Whoopi Goldberg, even though she played a very stereotypical role.

Sometimes I get cranky and decide to take movies very personally. This is an example of one of those times.

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