Thursday, December 22, 2005

I just found out that the Baja classes I took over the summer two years ago doesn't count towards GE credits at Davis. WHY?!? Why don't I think of making sure of these things sooner?!?!?

So when I get back, in order to graduate, I'll have to take about three of four ling. classes, who knows how many German (hopefully not too many), one upper division lit class, and TWO science/engineering GE classes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This Sucks with a capital "S". But at least I can probaby get into nutrition and health or something super-easy, since I have first pass priority registration.

PS-over Christmas break I'm reading the story of Moses, as written by Thomas Mann. Pretty interesting! Except whenever I can't quite understand what I'm reading, I keep thinking back to the plot of Prince of Egypt. So far the two stories aren't that similar.

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