Thursday, December 15, 2005

Classes are done for break! Yay! But it sucks here, because the semester doesn't end until after Xmas break. So before break ends I have to (cuz I know you're all very interested in this):

1. Read a "short" story by Thomas Mann that's 69 pages
2. Read a novella, Der Sandmann, that's 77 pages
3. Write an essay on what I think "European culture" is (does such a thing even exist?)
4. Read a short essay by Freud about the meaning of dreams
5. Figure out what I'm going to say for a presentation on Karl Kraus (yeah, I don't know who he is either)

AND buy presents for my family before I leave on Xmas Eve! I guess it could be worse. But I'm gonna have to put my nose to the...mill wheel? Grind stone? Something like that, if I want to be able to relax when my fambly comes.

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