Sunday, August 22, 2004

Screw this crap I've had it.
I've had it!
I ain't no Mr. Cool
I'm a pig I'm a dog
So excuse me if I drool.

I've been listening to Pinkerton lately, and yesterday I watched the Weezer DVD again. I love old Weezer!

In other news, did you hear about how the painting The Scream was stolen in front of guards and visitors at the museum in Norway? Pretty crazy.

I'm trying to pick up guitar again, and I was playing Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind" (the only song I know, sadly), and Leah pointed out that it's the same chords for that song and for Hotel Yorba! HOorAy! Now I know TWO songs, and one of them is by the White Stripes! So that was exciting.

Friday night, I had fun with Corie and "her people," as I affectionately call them. Well, first we met at Starbucks with Pauline and Bria, and shared pictures and stuff. Then I went with Corie and Matt to see Garden Face, a local band with some folks I kind of know (Collin and Alex A.). The band was great! We saw them at No Futures Cafe, which I've never heard of, but apparently everyone else has. Oh well. My excuse is that I don't live in Monrovia anymore. Sort of.
At the show, I saw a lot of people that I haven't seen for about a year, and that was fun. I got to catch up a little with people, which made me feel that my time spent in Monrovia actually has SOME point. Hehe. No, I love Monrovia. It's just the boredom that often comes with it that I dislike.

Ok, I think I'm pretty much done with my random paragraphs of news/nonsense. Now I must go eat breakfast! And yes, it is almost 1pm.

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