Saturday, August 14, 2004

I have been a terrible blogger. I hope I haven’t lost all of my faithful blogger friends! You see, folks, I have been out of the country, or at least out of the county, for the past three weeks pretty much continuously. First I was in Baja…woo hoo! Got my science creds out of the way, and got to hang out with awesome people at the same time! AND eat Mexican baking chocolate!
Then, three days after I got back from that, my family went to the Big Island (Hawaii) for a week. Which was awesome, needless to say. I will post pictures as soon as I can figure out how. Let me just say that I LOVE the rainforest there! It was sooo pretty.
And then the day after we got back from Hawaii, we went to San Clemente for five days. With our beloved Kim!! Who had been boarded at the vet’s for a week. She was happy to see us. But she wouldn’t eat for the whole time. So now she’s really skinny, because I don’t think she ate when she stayed at the vet’s, either. Poor doggy.
So that’s what’s goin’ on now. As for reading, I read this book in Hawaii called Conversations with Rabbi Small, and it’s basically a whole conversation about the teachings of Judaism. Pretty interesting, and not really difficult to understand. I recommend it for anyone who’s interested in…reading about Judaism, I guess. And right now I’m reading Grapes of Wrath, which we were robbed of reading back in Swanson days. And it’s REALLY good. I love John Steinbeck. I didn’t realize what a good writer he is, since the last time I read one of his books was probably about four or five years ago, when I don’t think I was really old enough to appreciate his stuff. Sea of Cortez is really good, too (It was required reading for the Baja class).
Well, I’m done ranting on and on. Cammy’s here, and she’s going back to Pennsylvania in four days! And then I’m not gonna see her until Christmas!! So we’re gonna go spend some quality time together and watch Cabaret. Leah says it’s good.
Oh yeah—I saw Garden State a week ago. What a good movie! The story line was a little cliché, but I liked it. I’m going to drag Cammy to go see it before she leaves. Mua ha ha.

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