Friday, February 20, 2004

Ok. So today I was so bored and tired in my constitution class that I had to resort to eating my notebook to keep myself awake (It's paper).
Then, I went with some people to see this documentary about the Venezuelan revolution, called The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. I was seriously expecting there to be five people there, and to be bored out of my mind. But no! There were more like 300 people there (it was held in the huge chem building), and the movie was really amazing.
Ok, so Venezuela has a long history of the country being run by a minority of rich white people who don't care about what all the common people think. Then this guy, Hugo Chavez, was democratically elected. So all the common people liked him, and the US didn't like him, because he didn't give all of his oil to the US so easily, like the previous leaders had done. So basically, he was overthrown for two days (April 11-13 2002) by the rich people. But then the poor people revolted, and the army revolted, and they returned him back to power. Which is a good thing, I guess.
But this whole documentary was shot by some Irish filmmakers who were in Venezuela just planning to shoot a documentary about Hugo Chavez, and the revolution just happened to occur while they were filming it. Pretty crazy, huh?

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