Wednesday, June 29, 2011

School's out for SUMMER!

I finished my summer school classes! (One diversity term paper and ESL curriculum DONE.) To celebrate, today Ari and I went to see The Man Who Fell to Earth (the Bowie sci-fi film is playing at the local arthouse theater), and then I ordered a brownie sundae (vegan, of course), and THEN I bought some 4-inch platform shoes at DSW for $30. So I can be a giant.

Perhaps my "summer school is finito" celebration was a bit excessive.


hanner said...

i did the same thing and bought some 4 inch platforms for graduation. i am such a giant but robbie is STILL taller than me when i wear them, so whatever.

jesse.anne.o said...

We almost went to see that but didn't! Instead we saw Tree of Life. That's all I'll say about that.

I just watched the first 2 seasons of Parks & Rec on Netflix but they only have season 3 on discs so I'll have to wait to get that in the boring maaaaaail. It really grew on me.

Anyway, congrats on your finish line!

jcpix said...

4 inches! oh Keht!