Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Springtime is definitely here! The trees are finally starting to grow leaves again, but that's not all....
-I have swallowed bugs several times in the last week while riding my bike. (The bugs are back with a vengeance.)
-It was 70 degrees today! And the sun wasn't even out for part of it, but it was still nice and muggy! (Hey, it's still better than being cold!)
-I have my beloved ring tan back! My hand was paler than pale during the Winter; the skin on my hand matched the skin under the ring I never take off. But in the shower today, I realized that I have a slight tan again! YES!

I hope everyone else is enjoying the arrival of Spring as much as me and the other Americans in Goettingen! (Except for poor Dylan, who is now heading into Winter in Chile. But he already got to have his freakin' warm season.)

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