Friday, April 14, 2006

Random thoughts of Kate:

1. I like bowls so much more than plates. They're easier to hold, and you can eat pretty much anything out of a bowl. You can't eat that much stuff on a plate, and it's a pain chasing it around trying to stick it on your fork. In my future house, I think I'll have about 80% bowls, and 20% plates.

2. Rabbits are scary as pets. It's really weird, but I think they're the only popular housepet that I would never want to own. I'm not really sure why I'm kind of freaked out by them, except for maybe I just can't understand them. I mean, how do you know when a rabbit is happy? Or when he's about to bite you? They don't make any noises! Cats and dogs and even birds have pretty good body language.

3. Final thought: I just realized that my plant committed suicide. I've killed more than a few plants in my lifetime, but they've never before taken the initiative to kill themselves! He was definitely more than half-dead already, after I traveled a month without watering him. When I got back for good, I put him outside the window on the sill to get some sunshine. Well, I forgot about him for a couple days, and when I looked outside, I realized he was gone! Apparently he'd jumped, although there was no sign of him on the ground outside. I'm sad he's gone, but I think we both knew the end was coming soon.

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