Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Ok, I just recently started listening to the Rushmore soundtrack, which I've actually had, unopened, for about three weeks. And it is SO GOOD!!!!! I seriously can't remember the last time I loved a soundtrack so much. But I still have the Life Aquatic soundtrack to open, so maybe I'll like that one even more. We'll see. I just love Mark Mothersbaugh--he is quite talented at creating these soundtracks.

Anyway, on to other things. Sometimes it seems like no one reads this blog, since no one comments. Which makes me think. Should I keep doing it if no one reads it? I don't want to be a whiny person and ask, "So who reads this? Does anyone care?" So I won't. I decided that if no one reads this (except for Cammy, perhaps--Cammy, I'm not forgetting about you, don't worry!), I wouldn't be heartbroken. I'd probably still keep posting on it, since I think it's actually a lot like a journal. Duh. But I like to look back at previous posts and remember things that I never would have remembered otherwise, and remember how I felt at certain times of my life. So yes. I'm gonna keep going! I think.

So, my application to go to Germany is due next week. I'm excited! Yet nervous, because I have a LOT of stuff to do next week. But not as much as most of the people in college have to do, it seems, judging from people's xangas. I just have a couple performances for gospel choir, and lots of linguistics and German homework. But I actually like my classes a lot this quarter. I'm happy about that. We're watching this 1930's film noir movie in my German class, called "M" (The M stands for Murder). It's about this psychopath who kills children--pretty creepy, considering that the movie's based on actual events. But yes. It's pretty cool to learn about stuff I actually WANT to learn about. I guess that's what makes college different from high school. And I'm probably the last one to realize that.

Anyway, I have written quite a lot. I am proud of myself. But now I should probably go work on my Personal Statement for the abroad application. It's so cheesy! I hate it! But it's gotta be done some time or another. . . .

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