Monday, November 12, 2012

Nasi Campur

Checked out of the Sheraton yesterday (kicking and screaming). Back to reality for two days before I leave on Wednesday for a youth camp in Jakarta.

I realized that I haven't posted many pictures of what I've been eating. This is a picture of the lunch I ate today (that I eat pretty much every day that I'm at work). It's called nasi campur (pronounced Nah-see Chahm-pur). The name translates to "mixed rice," and pretty much just means rice and lots of other random stuff that you select from the food cart.

As you can see, I selected green beans, lots of tempe, and a fried egg. A really greasy, pretty delicious, fried egg. Oh, and lots of "sambal," or hot sauce. It's pretty much unavoidable to get sambal with everything you order here. It costs 6,000 rupiah--the best deal around (that's about 70 cents). It's not a huge portion, but it keeps me filled up for a few hours.

Also--you may notice that I am using a fork to eat it. This is not the standard way of eating anything, really, in Java. Most people use their hands. I gave that a try for about two weeks, and then once the novelty wore off I decided it was just easier for me to stick with what I'm used to, and be able to eat more competently. I like to think people at least appreciated the effort. My coworkers are still impressed that I actually, truly like nasi campur to begin with. 

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