Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's time to put an end to this destructive relationship

I've made a resolution to stop shopping at Urban Outfitters. 

The relationship has just gotten too strained. During my high school years, I discovered the store (thanks to Vivian), and was obsessed with it, blowing hundreds of dollars there for birthdays and Christmas. I convinced myself that it was OK that the shirts cost upwards of $30 each, because I was being original and artistic.

But then Forever 21 came along, with virtually the same clothes for about half the price. And I've actually heard good things about Forever 21's clothing manufacturers (well, the workers protested and got lots of public attention, so Forever 21 was basically forced to make improvements).

So UO has high prices, most likely uses bad labor practices, and...then I read Broke & Beautiful's blog entry, which discusses how the latest catalogue features half-naked girls modeling the clothing.  

That crosses the line; what's the point of dressing the models like this?  I suppose it could be argued to be artistic, but I don't buy it.  None of the male models appear like this.  It's pandering, and it offends me.

Thus, I refuse to shop at Urban Outfitters anymore!  
I'm also writing them an email telling them why.

It may not be much in the grand scheme of chain-store shopping, but it's something.  

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