Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Most hectic spring break EV-er

The spring break we get at UC Davis is literally four days. If you have a final on the last day. I don't know why they do this to us. I, however, have a final on one of the earlier dates, so my spring break is a WHOLE WEEK! Woo hoo!!

On the first day of break I'm getting a titanium post implanted into my jaw, then two days to recover and pack for Washington D. C., and then a trip to Rosarito, Mexico for two nights with the roomies, and then a day in between for the surgery follow-up, and then I fly out of LAX to D.C. for three months to work as an intern for CAL (Center for Applied Linguistics).

I don't know if anyone cares about all of these thrilling details, but I felt like sharing anyway And I guess it helps me organize everything in my head when I type it out.

And then TAHOE this weekend, and my parents coming to visit the weekend after that!!

There, now you know all of my plans. :)


hanner said...

Turns out I am MOVING to DC in the fall! You probably won't be there any more, but that is a nice thought!

And, by the way, don't complain about not having a long spring break--we don't have one at all :P

Ivan said...

no, i don't really care.

no just kidding. : ) You're going to DC?? When are you ever going to graduate? Sorry if I just sounded like a parent. haha. Have fun! We should do stuff before you leave! Again!