Thursday, July 27, 2006

I am back in California!! I got back yesterday night. It was a long flight, but it definitely felt shorter than I expected. It's weird to be able to speak English to everyone, and eavesdrop on people without trying. (I've been really enjoying that.)
I feel really out of touch with everyone, which isn't too great, but at this point I'm just fine with relaxing with the family for at least a few days. We're going down to San Clemente on Sunday to chill for a week, and then hopefully I can SEE some missed friends!
Oh, and I have my old cell phone back, so people can call me (At home or on my cell)!

Hooray for good, cheap Mexican food! (The first thing I ate upon returning home last night.)

PS-I already went to go see An Inconvenient Truth with my mom and sis today, after hearing all the good reviews it's getting. The movie was good; definitely not amazing or any startling information in my opinion, but it gets the point across and re-motivates me to try my best to save the environment in pretty much every way. I just kind of feel like this movie is "preaching to the choir" as my mom said, since it's in small release and the average American isn't going to watch a 1 1/2 hour lecture just for kicks.

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