Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hanging out all weekend with my friend Vera and her boyfriend...makes me miss my boyfriend. And reading Janelle's cheesy post about her boyfriend makes me post cheesy posts about my boyfriend. Who hasn't contacted me in any way for TWO WEEKS. (He's travelling in Chile, what's a girl supposed to do?)

I have also become very good at repeating the same words over and over (redundancy?) when posting late at night. But that may have something to do with the fact that I've been in Germany for a year.

Ok, that is all. I am going home in NINE DAYS!!! I can almost taste the States.

Oh, one more thing. NEVER read the book American Psycho unless you get joy from vacuous plotlines and numerous extremely detailed descriptions of gruesome murders. The author's trying to make a point? There must be a better way.

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