Thursday, June 08, 2006

I haven't posted a "real" post for quite a while, I'm noticing. I think it's partly because I've been lazy, partly stressed-out, and partly b/c there isn't that much exciting news.

I had two relatively large presentations in the last two weeks; one on linguistics (the scariest one, even though I don't even get a grade for it, you just have to do it for participation requirements), and then one on German film for my foreign-language class. I finished that one yesterday, thank goodness. The film one got me all interested in renting movies again, although I have to admit not all of the stuff I've rented recently is German. My favorite recent film has definitely been Sweet and Lowdown (see a pic of it on the right sidebar). This is made by Woody Allen, but he's not really a character in it, and it's not the humor typical of most of his movies, I think that's partly why I liked it. A really good underrated film. I especially recommend it if you like jazz music!

As for other stuff...yes, I went to the Mexico vs. Goettingen soccer game last weekend; it was really fun! Of course Mexico won, since they're a national team, but they only won 3-0. Doesn't that final score seem a little too low? Dylan says it's still a good win, but I have my doubts. Me being a soccer connoisseur and all....

World Cup starts this Friday! Me and some of the girls are gonna go watch the first game at the Lokhalle, which is basically just a huge warehouse with apparently the biggest projection screen in Germany. Imagine, in our little old Goettingen!

I am especially happy right now because I got a shipment of stuff I ordered from Five cd's and a book, all for under 70 bucks! (It was birthday-certificate money.) So now I have lots of stuff to keep me entertained.

Tonight I'm going to see a Bertold Brecht play...can't remember what it's called, but I can only hope that it's not too difficult to understand. I had a bad experience with the last play I saw, since they decided to tell the story in reverse-chronological order, and use a VERY sparse set. I need stimulation! I almost fell asleep.
Ok, that's all I can think of for now.

But wait! I want to share this great poem (by Guenter Grass) we read in my Literature after 1945 class this week:

Fotogen (1961)
Ich ging in den Wald
Fotografierte Eichhoernchen
Liess den Film entwickeln
Und sah, dass ich zweiunddreissigmal meine
Grossmutter geknipst hatte.

I went to the forest
Photographed squirrels
Developed the film
And saw that I had photographed my grandmother
32 times.

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