Sunday, April 03, 2005

I hope this post doesn’t offend anyone.

It’s so weird. Perhaps this rant is brought on by the death of the Pope, which I was really sad to hear news of. Which surprises me, because I know almost nothing about him.
I have generally considered myself a pretty non-religious person. Although I’ve never called myself an atheist, I never really was sure that I believed in any kind of god, although I’ve always been interested in religion. But it seems like now, when all of the people that I’m closest with aren’t religious at all, that I have become more aware in my daily life of the possible presence of a God, and that I have been acting more religious. I find myself praying or asking God things in my mind, when I don’t even feel like I believe in one. I don’t know if I’ll ever join a church or a temple or a synagogue, or anything like that, but at the same time, I think I just need some kind of structure or rules in my life—some kind of possible reason, even if I don’t really believe it, for why we are all here, and what we are supposed to do with our lives. I’m not sure if religion even really answers those questions, but it seems like it does help in many ways.

I don’t know if that makes any sense, but I felt like posting it anyway.

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