Saturday, April 30, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Because I thinks it's kind of funny, but if everyone else thinks it's dumb....
ps-The White Stripes' album cover has been REVEALED!
It looks somewhat similar to the cover of Elephant, except for with kind of an 1800's (maybe?) look, instead of a modern western look.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
My friend Scott had his 20th birthday party last night--it was pretty crazy. There were a LOT of people crammed in there, and I doubt I knew half of them. But it was good times--Kaylan, my awesome roommate from last year, came up just for the party and we got to hang out all day (shopping at Gap and In-n-out! What typical Americans!) At the party, Jessica brought over one of her random dance mixes, and we danced (like, five of us for the whole time) for at least 2 hours. I had planned to leave no later than 1, but ended up staying til after 2. People jumped in apartment pool at about 1:30...then the manager got mad at us. :( But he didn't call the cops, so that was good. My friends Alicia and Karie also made about thirty birthday hats out of construction paper, which were pretty hilarious. They wrote things like:
"I'm sad"
"Late Bloomer"
"Milk was a bad choice" (from Anchorman, I made that one)
"Dancing Queen"
Yeah, they were pretty random. But it was fun to walk around and see which party hats people chose. I wore one that said "Sleeping Ugly," (instead of Sleeping Beauty, haha, get it?)
Me and Karie (not a particularly flattering one of me)
The crazy ones (I was NOT about to do that. But I DID take a picture of them.)
Ok, that's all. I hate Sundays. They shouldn't even technically be counted as a weekend, because everyone has so much WORK to do!
Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Friday, April 22, 2005
Talk about progress.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
The White Stripes' new CD is coming out June 7th!
It's called Get Behind Me Satan (huh?), and the first single is "Blue Orchid". This is the cover of the single:
Apparently the single's already been played on KROQ, but me being in little ol' Davis... haven't gotten to hear it yet. Hopefully soon!
I heard the whole album is piano, acoustic guitar, and marimba...very interesting. And SO EXCITING!
Thursday, April 14, 2005
She is one of the sweetest cats I've ever met--she is verrry affectionate, and her one purpose in life is to sit on your lap and have you pet her!
Ok, I'm done. I hope Carrie wins, because she's the only one I like that might actually win.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
A random thing:
This is one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time. If you've seen the movie Singin' in the Rain or just want to be entertained for a few seconds, check this out. I love it!!!
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Sunday, April 03, 2005
I hope this post doesn’t offend anyone.
It’s so weird. Perhaps this rant is brought on by the death of the Pope, which I was really sad to hear news of. Which surprises me, because I know almost nothing about him.
I have generally considered myself a pretty non-religious person. Although I’ve never called myself an atheist, I never really was sure that I believed in any kind of god, although I’ve always been interested in religion. But it seems like now, when all of the people that I’m closest with aren’t religious at all, that I have become more aware in my daily life of the possible presence of a God, and that I have been acting more religious. I find myself praying or asking God things in my mind, when I don’t even feel like I believe in one. I don’t know if I’ll ever join a church or a temple or a synagogue, or anything like that, but at the same time, I think I just need some kind of structure or rules in my life—some kind of possible reason, even if I don’t really believe it, for why we are all here, and what we are supposed to do with our lives. I’m not sure if religion even really answers those questions, but it seems like it does help in many ways.
I don’t know if that makes any sense, but I felt like posting it anyway.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Ok, I'm done complaining for now. It's BEAUTIFUL outside! I should go out there. But then I won't be able to focus on my homework. Ach, du liebe Zeit!