Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I am back from le Canada!
It was great--in a lot of ways, different from the traditional "spring break" trip--it rained virtually the whole time, we didn't do much drinking, and we didn't do too much in general, other than find places to eat and sleep, and visit a new city each day. It was a lot of fun, though. I traveled with two boys (gasp!), but if anything, that made the trip even easier. Very low-maintenance.

We spent the night in:
Corvalis, OR
Port Angeles, WA
Victoria, B.C.
Vancouver, B.C.
Olympia, WA

We stayed at hostels, hotels, friends' houses, and Dylan's grandparents (who are, by the way, two of the sweetest grandparents I have ever met!).
Good times. I will post pictures in a little bit, if anyone cares to see them.
I'm glad there's no school tomorrow, so I can get my hair cut!<- (random thought, yes)

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