Saturday, November 06, 2004

We have a fridge that works now!
That probably doesn't sound very exciting to most of the people reading this, but the last fridge we had in our apartment really sucked. The lightbulb would turn on when we opened the door, but it was very tempermental about the cooling part. Towards the end of last week, it pretty much just gave up on the cooling aspect all together. So I told the manager that it didn't work at all (we had two gallons of milk in there, and they both went bad! Imagine how bad that smelled!), and so they brought in a replacement one for the weekend, while they order a BRAND NEW one for us to come on Tuesday. So exciting!!
ps-I saw Alfie last night. Jude Law is such a jerk! But he's SO hot in that movie. I liked it pretty well. Better than I thought it was gonna be.

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