Monday, November 02, 2015


our new cat that we officially adopted on October 29th (National Cat Day, coincidentally)!

I spent an embarrassingly long time on my phone to create that beautiful image.

Yes, we adopted our foster kitty, the cat formerly known as London. And we renamed him Seymour--the name works for us for several reasons, which I will now explain: 

  1. It reminds me of one of my favorite (albeit depressing) stories from Salinger,  "A Perfect Day for Bananafish." 
  2. It reminds Ari of a character from the Simpsons (because of course it does).
  3. It's somewhat connected to Little Shop of the Horrors and the plant that says "FEED ME!" much like Seymour does on a regular basis. 
  4. We think it sounds just formal enough to fit his personality. 
I am pretty excited to have my very own cat, for the first time in my life. This is a milestone, guys. And Ari and I both think he's pretty great! 

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