Monday, June 29, 2015

30-day challenge

Have people heard of the 30-day challenge? I heard about it from a coworker, who uses the TED talk as a jumping-off point for getting her students to set English goals for themselves (write a journal entry in English for 30 days, watch 20 minutes of an American TV show for 30 days, etc.).

Anyway, I decided to use that TED talk for my class, and also set a challenge for myself that I would try to do along with my students. Since I already speak English pretty well (most days), I decided I would try to walk 10,000 steps every day, according to the pedometer on my iPhone. Apparently that's the number doctors recommend for maximum healthiness?

That turned out to be SUCH A HARD GOAL. 10,000 steps takes me about an hour and a half of only walking, if I go at a very brisk pace. Yesterday I shopped for 4 hours in SoHo and just barely got to 10,000 steps. So...I did not succeed at my goal. I'd say I walked 10,000 steps about 70% of those 30 days. In the end, I still took more steps than I would normally!

All of this is background for my next attempt at a 30-day challenge: writing one blog post per day. Yesterday was my official start. Today is day two! I'm off to a great start! Some of the posts might be extremely short, but I hope I will have more success with this challenge than my last one.

Here goes!


hanner said...

Awesome! I love a good 30-day challenge. Also I love when you update your blog.

kate said...

No, I love when YOU update YOUR blog. ;) I will do my best to meet this challenge!