Sunday, February 08, 2015

Snow Life

We are now, I think, officially in the middle of winter--winter WEATHER, as opposed to official dates. As I sadly remember from last year, winter in New York City basically lasts until mid to late April.

Since I'm not working too many hours this semester, I'm trying to keep to a reasonable workout schedule (three times a week), and when the weather is a balmy 30 degrees or higher, I can go jogging in Prospect Park, which is only a block away from our apartment.

Right now, I think the park looks really pretty. Most of the paved areas are safely cleared for bikers, joggers and walkers, but everything else is covered with snow. Here are some pictures from my jog this morning:

People playing fetch with their dog in the distance.

Birds huddled on a  lamppost near Grand Army Plaza.
Despite growing up hating the cold, I'm trying to warm up to it a little, so to speak.

Lastly, I leave you with a funny picture of our newest foster kitty, mid-grooming. His name is Papo, and we've had him since January. He is kind a jerk (he bites sometimes, and isn't very cuddly), but he's REALLY cute and entertainingly playful, so...we are allowing it, for now.

What, me, a jerk?


jesse.anne.o said...

You ran this morning?! When it was like 4 degrees?!

Papo looks cute...and I've been there with the bitey-ness!

jcpix said...

Cute gets away with everything!

Anonymous said...

I like your page! Keep up the great work :) We have a page too!

Unknown said...

hi kae! you write beautifully!
I have a blog of my own as well, its called the itenerant poet! Its poetry and photgraphy. tried to re-imagine the concept of photo captions. Please do check it out.
