Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bobbing along

Here are a few pictures of the stingless jellyfish we got to bob along with on Kakaban Island. They were in a big lake in the middle of the (very tiny) island. The water in the lake was amazingly warm. It was raining all morning and a little chilly, so we really enjoyed swimming being in that water!

Very blurry shot of (l to r) me, Holly, Autumn, and Iris. 


Autumn with some good jellyfish. 

In unrelated news, I only have 5 presentations to give before my time in Indonesia is done! Yes, I counted them and wrote them down, so I can check them off. Considering I only have 2 weeks left of regular classes, that's really packin' those presentations in. Looking forward to being finished. 

1 comment:

Ana Tereza Andrade said...

muito interessante seu blog,AMEI!