Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I am back again! How many times have I started a post with that sentence?

Anyway, unemployment inspires me to write. Or to write some short blog posts, at least.

I have been on an art fix! What does that mean, you ask? It means that I have been obsessed with finding and framing artwork. I think it's largely because my walls are so empty, after not having lived in my room (or added many personal touches) for about 6 years. Yeah, that's how long it's been since high school.

Anyway, I digress. Today I went to Michael's and Target and bought 5 picture frames (one frame holds 7 pictures), and filled them all up with art! Mainly postcards I've collected over the years, but picture comes from a calendar that I had in 7th grade, and one picture is a print that I ordered from Etsy. It's pretty great.

Now I just need to actually hang them on the wall without taking large chunks of plaster out as well. My parents wouldn't be too happy about thtat.


Andrea said...

Glad you're back! I need to get with it too once our internet is reliable.

I like the postcard-art idea. I think I shall have to copy... There are a lot of lonely-looking walls in this apartment.

You should post pictures of your walls once you're finished!

kate said...

Hey! Yay, someone still reads this! Yes, I have been eagerly awaiting another post of yours! Perhaps you could start a side-project London blog.

And I will try to post pics of my walls when I hang the stuff up!