Wednesday, December 29, 2004

So Christmas is over. It was fun. Got a digital camera from my parents--I'm probably one of the last people of my group of friends who doesn't own a digital camera. Or didn't, I guess I should say. But I'm excited about that--now I can take pictures of ANYTHING!
Right now I am sitting at home, by myself, feeling sorry for myself, because I have no one to talk to. Always good for the constitution to feel sorry for yourself once in a while. Or not. I think it's actually quite a bad thing to feel sorry for yourself, even if it's just once in a while, because you might start doing it more and more, and then no one wants to hang out with you anymore, and then you really DO have a reason to feel sorry for yourself, and then it's bad for your health to think negative thoughts, and then you die at an unreasonably early age, 60 for example. I hope I don't die at age 60. Or before that, either. Of course, if I felt I'd lived a fulfilling life, I guess I wouldn't mind it so much. But then again, what exactly is a "fulfilling life"?
Ok, enough philosophizing. I got no books for Christmas, which makes me kind of sad, I think it's the first time that I can remember--am I becoming less literate? Well, if I had gotten books, I wouldn't have had to time read them, since I'm reading David Copperfield right now. Really good book by the way; I laugh out loud while I'm reading it. I'm on page 384, or around there, it's almost 900 pages long. My goal is to finish reading it before I go back to school, because if I don't, I just know that I'll never actually finish it.
But now I am done feeling sorry for myself, since my mom just asked me if I want to go to the mall. Of COURSE! Anything to get out of this house, and now I get to go shopping, too! Hooray!

Sheesh, I can be very materialistic sometimes. According to the Buddhist monks, I need to look inside myself to find true happiness. I think I'll wait until next week to start doing that, though.

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