Saturday, July 23, 2016

Aura Reading

Ever since one of my celebrity crushes Tavi Gevinson posted about having her aura read in Chinatown, I've been meaning to try it out myself. I finally happened to be in the neighborhood with extra time today. I stopped in to "Magic Jewelry" on 238 Canal Street only to find that every other white female hipster millennial had the same idea as me. Le sigh. Sometimes I fit the profile a little too well....

Anyway, here's what it looked like when I walked in (there WAS one black guy adding to the diversity, as you can see on the far right.): 

The actual process of photographing my aura, or more technically my "Bio feedback field photography," took about one minute. I sat in front of a camera and rested my hands on some metal sensors on either side of me, which were hooked up to the camera. Then a woman working there took my photo and it came out instantly, like a Polaroid. 

After waiting for the group of four girls ahead of me (they were doing the reading as part of a bachelorette party), I got to sit down with one of the women there, who analyzed the colors in my picture according to the chakras (as seen in the chart being held below). 

My aura has lots of... yellow? I was also kind of disappointed you can't even see ME in this picture. I hope they didn't mix up my picture with anyone else's. 

So here's the gist of what I was told: 
1. Yellow is really good. Like, it means I'm lucky and I have positive energy and I do well in my work, and people generally like me. Yay! 

2. The red at the center bottom means that I'm really tired. She said I need to rest more, and go to bed early. 

3. The blue on the lower right side apparently reflects money? I can't remember that part as well, but she said that money will be a concern for me in the future (the right side of the picture is the future), but apparently that color doesn't mean that I won't HAVE money, it just means I"ll need to be careful with my money in the next few weeks. 

This whole experience cost $20. I'm glad I did it, even though I believe about 15% of this aura stuff. But it was actually pretty fun. 

In other news, the real reason I was in Chinatown was to go back to the fancy nail place (where I got the cats done for my birthday). I wanted to go there one more time before I leave NYC at the end of August* and treated myself to their "weekly special" in which the customer picks the colors and they pick the design. I got bright orange and silver for SUMMER! 

*Yup, I'm moving back to the great home state of California at the end of August, with Ari. Please wish us luck! Neither of us has a job lined up yet, and we'll be crashing with my parents for the first part of the visit, but... here's hoping everything works out. :) 

1 comment:

jesse.anne.o said...

Oh wow, I'm jealous re your move! Congrats!