Thursday, April 18, 2013


In light of all the recent bad, no good, frustrating news (Boston, Texas, and the complete failure to pass decent gun control laws--ARGHHHH) I will now avoid a discussion of those topics, and write a post on something completely trivial. Not that my usual posts are much more substantial. But this post will be about what is in my fridge.

I know you've been dying to know what's in there. Especially considering how renowned my skills are as a cook. The time has come.


As you can see, I don't have a full size fridge in my room. It gets full pretty quickly. This is what it looks like immediately after a grocery trip. 
  • Yogurt, an open package of cookies, and some chocolate wrapped in a plastic bag on the top shelf
  • Steamed veggies, apples, and bread on the second shelf (apples cost about $1 a piece here, by the way)
  • Curry mix, a candy cane (leftover from when the parents came at Christmas), apple pear, water, and pasta. Yes, I keep a lot of random stuff in the fridge, because the ants tend to eat everything, including uncooked pasta. 

The door of the fridge. 
  • A jar of Indonesia-brand Nutella rip-off on the top shelf. 
  • A bottle of Ken's salad dressing, literally purchased my first week in Indonesia, when I had a craving to make my own salad. I should probably throw that bottle out. And then jelly dessert. I LOVE all the aloe/coconut/agar-agar jelly desserts they have in this country. 
  • On the bottom shelf, a can of root beer (for emergencies), milk, pasta sauce, jam, and peanut butter. 

The "pantry." Also known as the plastic shelf unit I bought for $4 at Hypermart. 
  • I have a plastic bag full of pasta mixes (Those mixes are my savior!! I thought I couldn't go any longer on just tomato pasta sauce and rice with veggies) in a variety of flavors--cheese, mushroom, chives--but really, they all just taste the same. I love them. And spicy seaweed imported from Malaysia. You know how much it costs to get that packet of 10 sheets of seaweed? $6!! That's a lot of dough. 
  • On the second shelf, you can see tea, my two Indonesian sauces (hot sauce and sweet soy sauce), and two cans of Heinz baked beans. Because you never know. 
  • On the bottom shelf, tupperware, unopened pasta, and corn. And my trusty (and gross-looking) rice cooker in front! I use that thing literally every day. Unless I end up eating out for dinner, which usually happens about once or twice a week. 

What, you want to see MORE of my room? Well, I don't have any more food to show you. But I can show you my desk! 

Nothing especially special. I generally don't have internet in my room (only when the wifi is being used by people upstairs usually between 8-4 on weekdays, which is when I'm usually out of my room), so I generally just use my desk for eating and watching movies. I have a half-drunk bottle of red wine (birthday gift from my boss! Wine is like gold here.), big empty bottles for drinking water, pictures of friends, and Ari when he came to visit. 

On the vanity-thing next to my desk, I have amassed a collection of random stuff. Mainly, three pictures of my friends in bathing suits. (Gasp! Couldn't show pictures of bathing suits to my students! One of the cultural differences I didn't think about when choosing which pictures to bring from home.) And two pictures of Ari, followed by a card from Ari. And an origami fox sent from Michelle. 

You might be thinking, "Where are you pictures of your parents? And the rest of your family and friends?! What kind of person are you?" Well, those pictures are actually up on the wall in my "office," where I can show them off to my coworkers and students, and look at them every day. So it's not quite as disgraceful as you think. 

1 comment:

jcpix said...

Ah! You have our beach jumping pic!!! :)
And your fridge pic looks just like my fridge at New Res. Funny, I took a pic is my open fridge and sent it to my mom in the beginning.