Monday, January 28, 2013

It's the rainy season

I have no photos to post, because they don't do the scene justice, but it is POURING here right now. Like, the sky is dark grey and there are sheets of rain and wind.

I was told the rainy season started in November, and I was really looking forward to it, since Surabaya was kind of dusty and desert-y and really hot (in the 90s every day) when I first arrived in August. It honestly didn't rain at all until about late November. Then, it started to rained about once a day, but just for a half hour or so, and not that much. I was a little disappointed.

Now, I think it's safe to say that this city is in full rainy-season mode. The rain still hits once a day, but it's always a downpour, it lasts for at least a few hours, and often includes thunder and lightning. I just look outside my window and feel thankful to be indoors. I'm glad it's finally the rainy season. I just have to time my day around it carefully!

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