Sunday, December 09, 2007


There isn't much more of a turn-off (for me) than talking to a somewhat attractive guy at a party who's about my age and hear him start a sentence with "So, when I was married...."

Perhaps I'm being too judgmental.

UPDATE: OK, for anyone who cares, I've reconsidered and decided that there are worse things a guy could mention. Like being 100% for the death penalty or thinking all women should be stay-at-home moms. You get the idea.


Meredesu said...


and thank you for your comment. now let me talk about myself for a little bit:

no, i'm not extending. i thought about it (especially at the beginning), but my boyfriend wants to go to grad school next year, and i really don't want to do a long distance relationship (again). also... for as many things as i love about it here, i don't think i could work in this particular job and not be frustrated half the time. Not being able to effectively communicate with my coworkers is a huge issue for me.

I don't know how your situation will be (would you be working in a language school? a public or private school?), and I don't know how much they emphasized the foreign language component in your training. I am having a terrible time trying to make a coherent statement, but basically buy some language materials before you get shipped out. this is probably stupid advice you already know. if you want to talk about this more we should skype or something.

anyway. it looks like you are living in point loma now! how are you liking it there?

I don't really have a clue what I will be doing next year. The boyfriend is applying to grad programs in California, so I'll likely be living there. I feel like anywhere would be kind of boring after this, so at the moment I just sort of feel indifferent.

this has been a fantastic comment. thank you for your time.

Jay Bee said...

yes Kate, it COULD be worse. He could've been an ax murderer. Don't be so harsh. You're too picky!