Tuesday, September 25, 2007

As I re-submerge myself in film

Every time I come back to L.A., I get sucked into the Calendar section of the LA Times. And I mean I basically read every article in it. And I live for the Friday issue, because then I can read ALL the movie reviews. I have too much free time. But I suppose we all know this by now.

On a somewhat related note....

On Sunday my mom and I drove out to Venice to visit my grandma and take her out to a movie. We pre-select a couple "safe" films we think she'd like to see, such as The Jane Austen Book Club, or possibly Blame it on Fidel. But what does she want to see? None of these romantic, cute films--of course not! No, she wants to see Into the Wild. Because she saw an interview with Sean Penn and Emile Hirsch on Oprah. And their story is very compelling.

I actually wanted to see the film as well--I just was a little surprised to hear that it was my grandma's first choice. And I wasn't sure if I was prepared to be bawling during the final scenes. Nevertheless, we did go to see all 2 hours and 40 minutes of the film at the Landmark.

And it was really good! (Do I ever post about bad movies on this blog? Except for Ghost? Never.) The ending wasn't nearly as heart-wrenching and depressing as I expected, and I really felt like the time went by fast. So the point of all this rambling is, go see this movie. If you are a little interested in nature, or the way human relationships affect our lives, or just to watch a really interesting true story, I recommend it.

Oh, I've also had a crush on Emile Hirsch since I saw him in Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys. So I'm sliiightly biased. But not much.


hanner said...

Did you read the book? I did a long time ago, and I'm a bit intrigued. I am also slightly reminded of Grizzly Man. Hilarious and sad at the same time, but I imagine this one isn't.

kate said...

I bought the book today! (They didn't have it at the library.) I'm looking forward to reading it.

Jay Bee said...

Kate I miss you! I might go down to visit my cousin in Covina the weekend of the 20th. Will you still be home?

kate said...

Um...I might be! That's the weekend I might be moving down to San Diego, but you're gonna be here, I'm sure I could make time. :)