Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Books: better than friends?

After months of trying to check out the book Children of Men at the library, I finally gave up and just bought it. Apparently all copies are always checked out because of that movie. That same movie I was semi-obsessed with because I found it so enthralling and thought provoking. Those of you who heard me rave about it can attest to this.

Let me tell you kids, the book is just as, if not more, intense. Sometiems I find myself grimacing while I read it. And the plot's more interesting and more believable as well. If anyone wants to borrow it, or just have it after I finish it, let me know! I want to spread the good-bookness around. I bought it on for $6, including shipping! Thus the willingness to give it away.


Alex said...

Haven't seen the movie but I'll take it if you're giving it away. Always looking for a good book.

hanner said...

I'll take it too. But I might as well just buy it since it only cost $6.