Saturday, May 27, 2006

Warning! Lots of pictures in this post!

First of all I wanted to post a pic of me and Hannah, my awesome German buddy from back in the high school days, and a good friend of mine that I don't get to see very often. We met up in Berlin for two days this extended weekend, and got to catch up a little. It was really fun! Here we are in a famous cemetery (Invalidenfriedhof) in Berlin:

Now the rest of the pictures all have to do with the same subject: SOCCER! Or really Fußball, as the Germans call it. I just want to convey how much Fußball-Fever there is in our small town of Goettingen:

The Mexican team is being housed in Goettingen, so there's a lot of "Willkommen Mexiko!" stuff in shops...I love how seriously this mannequin is wearing not-so-serious garb.

Soccer/German flag candy

Soccer display at the entrance of the Karstadt department store. There was a TV behind the display showing big soccer moments or something like that--notice all the men watching it.

Soccer books

Soccer toiletries: lotion, soap, makeup, etc.

Soccer dishware

World cup perfume and cologne.

"Sadness tissues" for if you cry while watching a game.

Cindy and Vivian showing off the soccer pasta, soccer ball pillow and soccer ball print toilet paper.

CRAZY!! But it's really cool to be in the midst of all this obsession; I've never experienced such a unified excitement for one thing!

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