Sunday, November 26, 2006

OH MY GOD. I got back from Thanksgiving break and the temperature inside of our Davis house is below 50 degrees. And I can't figure out how to turn on the thermostat.
Therefore, I am huddling in my room next to the space heater. THANK GOD FOR SPACE HEATERS!!!!

PS-I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! Mine was lovely.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

PS: I am so excited about Thanksgiving! I get to see our new dog, Jinny, and I get to escape Davis for a whole 4 days!
If ONLY the difficult midterm on the following Monday didn't it goes.
This UCLA police attack news is crazy. I don't really know what to say; I would never have expected something like that to happen at UCLA of all the UC schools, but then again, the LAPD doesn't exactly have the best record around.
Regardless, sometimes I'm really glad about technology such as cell phone video cameras that let people everywhere see what happened, and make us more aware of what's actually going on.

Monday, November 13, 2006

I have become addicted to Buffy once again. Unfortunately, I only have one more season left before I've seen all the episodes.
But last night Friday night = 8 episodes of Buffy back-to-back. And what a joyous feeling it was!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I gave blood today. I have officially redeemed my status as a good person.

In other news, I'm sad that they're gonna build a Target in Davis. And of course that Schwarzenegger has been popularly elected YET AGAIN as governor. We Californians are a backward people!

Oh, and in other rather humorous news, I was doing my homework out on the quad today and a bird pooped on it. Luckily, my professor exteneded the due date later that day, so that I didn't have to turn in the smelly original. :D

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I just changed my Facebook pic to some photoshopped nonsense on a SATURDAY night. Sometimes I feel such a loser.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I found this on Facebook. Rather amusing.