Saturday, September 30, 2006

Rejection. Not fun.

Argghhh...I finally put the effort into finding an internship related to my major, heard about one that was interesting, applied, interviewed, moved around my schedule for it, and then they say I don't have enough availability in my schedule! So no job.
I really need to get some linguistic experience here!! This is quite frustrating.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The White Stripes were on The Simpsons! (Their real voices and everything, so cool.)
"The National Intelligence Estimate's conclusion that the war in Iraq is 'a cause celebre for jihadists' and "breeds a deep resentment of US involvement in the Muslim world...' is the intelligence equivalent of the little boy who pointed out that the emperor had no clothes."--BBC article today

Can the situation be any MORE obvious?!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Yes, there has been a dearth of posts lately, although I haven't really been busy until the last few days. I went to Vegas! Cammy was here! And most importantly, I suppose, classes start tomorrow!

I've taken quite a few photos since being in Davis, so if ya wanna check 'em out, I've posted them in a Facebook album (so much easier than here). Here is a pic to give you an idea of the wonders that await you, should you go to my photo album:

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I need to remind myself during times of boredom like right now that Facebook is not, in fact, an integral part of life.

ps-I finally have internet. (yay!)

Friday, September 15, 2006

I AM IN DAVIS. And I have no internet. Until Tuesday, that is, if everything goes as planned. Unless I go to the MU and sit out in the cold at night, like I am right now. I guess I could go during the day as well, but it's way more fun to just put it off until late, in my opinion.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Et finalement, I will be in Davis on the morrow. And apparently I will no longer be speaking the good English. There goes my future learning kids as an ESL teacher.
Any chance Davis'll be cooler than here? Pishaw!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

PS-I have fallen in love with The Office. The American one. It has stolen my heart. I didn't think it could beat the British original, but it has. Hooray for three-episode-in-a-row reruns on NBC!
Yeah...root canal was yesterday. And it's not nearly as bad as I expected. SO FAR (cue evil laughter from somewhere above me). I All they did so far was take out the tooth. But I have to have a tooth implant before the year is will look something like THIS:

Eeeeew. That picture just chills me to the bone. Literally, I guess, since it's a SCREW they screw into your JAW BONE. But I'll try to put that thought out of my head for at least a few more months.

In other news, I felt okay enough to go see the newest Lassie movie today with my mama at the Rialto. It was a good movie, but I cried a LOT. As was to be expected. Collies are so cute!