I decided to wish you a happy Easter in German because for some reason, Easter makes me think of Germany. Or at least, it reminds me of Germany more than the other holidays.
Maybe this is because one of my most memorable Easters was during my time in Goettingen, when I went with some other Americans to an "Easter Pageant" at the local Catholic church, only to discover that it was a service meant only for children, and we were the only non-parents there. We got to learn all about Jesus's resurrection through brightly colored pictures and catchy tunes. Good times.
Anyway, this Easter was a good one. I made Easter candies! Look:
Anyone reading the
L.A. Times probably saw the recipe for these pastel mints on the front page of the Food section a few days ago. They were fairly easy to make, and I think they came out pretty well, although I have no idea how long it will take to eat all of them.
I brought over the best mints to Cammy's dad's house for Easter (my parents are in Paris, so I needed a surrogate family). We had a delicious feast of peanut noodles (made by Cammy), along with more traditional faire of scalloped potatoes, salad, and asparagus.